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A Bowl of Soup

A friend stopped me the other day, and asked, just what am I supposed to be in my Christian walk, how do I know what I am, and what I'm supposed to do?

Big question?

But one asked daily around the world, for believers.

Before I could even think, The Holy Spirit filled my mind with this, for an answer.

I said, you see this large building full of people, it's a bowl of soup, and you're part of it, you're the salt.
You season and preserve, there are many vegetables in this soup and they will all rot without salt, and even in there prime they need seasoning, and we as believers are that seasoning.

You don't have to be the next Apostle Paul, all you have to be is salt to the world.

How do I do that he asked?

By allowing the Jesus in you to come out, in all believers there is a supernatural deposit from God, be that coworker that is kind, caring, helpful...people notice. Be that Dad, brother, husband, friend that not just loves, but cares.

And sooner or later, that salt changes those around it, but it's not us changing them, it's the Jesus in us, salt is literally the Jesus in you.

Because we would've rotted also without Him, and someone was salt to us, now we've been preserved, your actions now have the ability to show the world a Jesus with some skin on him.

Because when we lean to our fleshly nature, we are nothing more than another vegetable in the soup, waiting for someone else to come along and salt us.
And we've all done it, when we had the salt already deposited in us, we just selfishly refused to let it out for whatever reason. 

We can't all be Billy Graham, but we can be salt!

Colossians 4:6
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. 

